Om din bolig

Kære Beboer

Dear Resident

Velkommen til Englunden, vi håber du er glad for at bo i Englunden.

Hér kan du finde svar på dine spørgsmål omkring din bolig samt få hjælp hvis du oplever udfordringer med vand, varme, hårde/hvidevarer eller lignende.

Hvis der er noget du savner, er du altid velkommen til at skrive til os.


Welcome to Englunden, we hope you are happy to live in Englunden.

Below you can find answers to your questions about your home and get help if you experience problems with water, heat, hard/white goods or the like.

If there is something you are missing, you are always welcome to write to us.


Affald - tag hensyn

Waste - take care

We have challenges with waste.

Do NOT place waste on the ground. It attracts rats and birds and blows into the gardens of the other residents.

Pap, kasser og æsker der ikke passer i molokkerne skal i småt brandbart containeren og IKKE smides på jorden.

If the Molok is full, please go to one of the other Moloks.

Until the Municipality has got the waste systems up and running, we have got extra containers.

The municipality is understaffed and unfortunately it cannot be done faster.

We apologize for this, it is unfortunately a temporary solution.

Be considerate of each other, be kind to your neighbors and don’t just throw away the trash on the ground.

We have challenges with waste.

Do NOT place the waste on the ground. It attracts rats and birds and blows into the gardens of the other residents.

Cardboard, boxes and boxes that do not fit in the Molok must be placed in the small flammable container and NOT thrown on the ground.

If the Molok is full, please go to one of the other Moloks.

Until the Municipality has got the waste systems up and running, we have got extra containers.

The municipality is understaffed and unfortunately it cannot be done faster.

We apologize for this, it is unfortunately a temporary solution.

Be considerate of each other, be kind to your neighbors and don’t just throw away the trash on the ground.

We have 3 locations for Waste – these are Moloks.

Do NOT place waste on the ground. It attracts rats and birds and blows into the gardens of the other residents.

Molok Station A: Engløbet 22  

1 for Residual waste

1 for Food waste

1 for Plastic/Milk Yoghurt Cartons

Molok Station B: Engløbet 62 

1 for ½ Residual waste and ½ Food waste

1 for ½ Metal and ½ Glass

1 for Cardboard

1 stk. ½  Papir og ½ Plast/Mælke Yoghurt Kartoner

Station C:  Engløbet 60:

1 for Residual waste

1 for Food waste

1 for Plastic/Milk Yoghurt Cartons


Vi har udfordringer med Affald – derfor være venlig at vise hensyn.

We have 3 locations for Waste – these are Moloks.

We have challenges with waste.

Do NOT place waste on the ground. It attracts rats and birds and blows into the gardens of the other residents.

Molok Station A: Engløpet 22

1 for Residual waste

1 for Food waste

1 for Plastic/Milk Yoghurt Cartons

Molok Station B: Engløpet 62

1 for ½ Residual waste and ½ Food waste

1 for ½ Metal and ½ Glass

1 for Cardboard

1 for ½ Paper and ½ Plastic/Milk Yoghurt Cartons

Station C: Engløpet 60:

1 for Residual waste

1 for Food waste

1 for Plastic/Milk Yoghurt Cartons

We have challenges with waste – please be considerate.

We have set up a container for small flammables.

Please fold cardboard and packaging so that there is room in the container.

Please respect that it is only small flammable, it must not contain electronics, chemicals or food waste/household waste.

We have set up a container for small flammables.

Please fold cardboard and packaging so that there is room in the container.

Please respect that it is only small flammable, it must not contain electronics, chemicals or food waste/household waste.

Please sort your waste

You have received green bins for food waste and information flyers.

Here is a link to sorting guides:

sorting guide-2023-04-molokker_English

Prosimy o sortowanie odpadów.

Otrzymaliście zielone kosze na odpady spożywcze oraz ulotki informacyjne – oto link do polskiego poradnika segregacji:

sıralama kılavuzu-2023-04-molokker_Polish

Lütfen atıklarınızı ayırın.

Gıda atıkları için yeşil bidonların yanı sıra bilgi broşürleri de aldınız – işte Türkçe ayıklama kılavuzunun bağlantısı:

sıralama rehberi-2023-04-molokker_Türkçe

Будь ласка, сортуйте свої відходи.

Ви отримали зелені урни для харчових відходів, а також інформаційні листівки – ось посилання на український посібник із сортування:

Budʹ laska, sortuyte svoyi vidkhody.

Vy otrymaly zeleni urny dlya kharchovykh vidkhodiv, a takozh informatsiyni lystivky – osʹ posylannya na ukrayinsʹkyy posibnyk iz sortuvannya:
керівництво по сортуванню-2023-04-molokker_укр

يرجى فرز النفايات الخاصة بك.

لقد استلمت صناديق خضراء لمخلفات الطعام بالإضافة إلى نشرات معلومات - إليك رابط لدليل الفرز باللغة العربية:

yurjaa farz alnufayat alkhasat bika.

laqad aistalamt sanadiq khadra' limukhalafat altaeam bial'iidafat 'iilaa nasharat maelumat - 'iilayk rabit lidalil alfarz biallughat alearabiati:

دليل الفرز-2023-04-molok عربي

Please sort your waste

You have received green bins for food waste and information flyers.

Here is a link to sorting guides:

sorting guide-2023-04-molokker_English

Prosimy o sortowanie odpadów.

Otrzymaliście zielone kosze na odpady spożywcze oraz ulotki informacyjne – oto link do polskiego poradnika segregacji:

sıralama kılavuzu-2023-04-molokker_Polish

Lütfen atıklarınızı ayırın.

Gıda atıkları için yeşil bidonların yanı sıra bilgi broşürleri de aldınız – işte Türkçe ayıklama kılavuzunun bağlantısı:

sıralama rehberi-2023-04-molokker_Türkçe

Будь ласка, сортуйте свої відходи.
Ви отримали зелені урни для харчових відходів, а також інформаційні листівки – ось посилання на український посібник із сортування:
Budʹ laska, sortuyte svoyi vidkhody.
Vy otrymaly zeleni urny dlya kharchovykh vidkhodiv, a takozh informatsiyni lystivky – osʹ posylannya na ukrayinsʹkyy posibnyk iz sortuvannya:
 керівництво по сортуванню-2023-04-molokker_укр
يرجى فرز النفايات الخاصة بك.
لقد استلمت صناديق خضراء لمخلفات الطعام بالإضافة إلى نشرات معلومات - إليك رابط لدليل الفرز باللغة العربية:
yurjaa farz alnufayat alkhasat bika.
laqad aistalamt sanadiq khadra' limukhalafat altaeam bial'iidafat 'iilaa nasharat maelumat - 'iilayk rabit lidalil alfarz biallughat alearabiati:

دليل الفرز-2023-04-molok عربي

Radiator - lavenergi

Radiator low energy​

Please note that the radiator is an energy-efficient radiator and may not get very hot. You may experience it being warm only at the top.

Depending on how you set the radiators, they may not constantly call for heat as the thermostat will sense that the area where the radiator is located is already warm enough.

Therefore, one radiator may be slightly warm while the other remains cold.

These types of radiators do not use as much energy as older models.

Please note that the radiator is an energy-efficient radiator and may not get very hot. You may experience it being warm only at the top.

Depending on how you set the radiators, they may not constantly call for heat as the thermostat will sense that the area where the radiator is located is already warm enough.

Therefore, one radiator may be slightly warm while the other remains cold.

These types of radiators do not use as much energy as older models.

You must vent your radiator when:

It makes abnormal noises

Eller er blevet kold i toppen, men den er skruet helt op.

How to ventilate the radiator:

You can watch the video on how to ventilate your radiator, or you can read how to do it

Turn the thermostat all the way up to the maximum setting

You must have a cloth or paper towel ready.

Find the venting valve which sits on the radiator at the opposite end of the thermostat.

Hold a cloth under the valve, turn the valve counter-clockwise with the radiator key until a little water comes out.

Close the valve again by turning clockwise.

Se video-guide here

Hvis dette ikke afhjælper problemet, skal du afmontere termostaten på radiatoren se video here

You must vent your radiator when:

It makes abnormal noises

Or has become cold at the top, even if it is turned all the way up.

How to ventilate the radiator:

You can watch the video on how to ventilate your radiator, or you can read how to do it

Turn the thermostat all the way up to the maximum setting

You must have a cloth or paper towel ready.

Find the venting valve which sits on the radiator at the opposite end of the thermostat.

Hold a cloth under the valve, turn the valve counter-clockwise with the radiator key until a little water comes out.

Close the valve again by turning clockwise.

See video guide here here

If this does not solve the problem, remove the thermostat from the radiator – see video guide here

Fjern termostaten:

To remove the thermostat, hold the thermostat while turning the inner part of the thermostat.

The small pawl, which sits under the thermostat, must be pressed in twice with a hard object.

When the thermostat is to be put back on – it is important that THE GREEN BUTTON ON THE THERMOSTAT POINTS UPWARDS.

Se video-guide here

Remove the thermostat:

To remove the thermostat, hold the thermostat while turning the inner part of the thermostat.

The small pawl, which sits under the thermostat, must be pressed in twice with a hard object.

When the thermostat is to be put back on – it is important that THE GREEN BUTTON ON THE THERMOSTAT Flies UPWARDS.

See video guide here

Household appliances

Home Appliances

De hårde hvidevarer kommer fra Electrolux. 

Modelnummeret er anført på formularen.

Before reporting a fault in the device, it is important to check if there is power and to consult the user manual. 

Beder du om en tekniker, fordi du er i tvivl om, hvordan du betjener apperatet, skal du selv betale for teknikerbesøget. 

The household appliances come from Siemens.

The model number is listed on the form.

Before reporting a fault in the device, it is important to check if there is power and to consult the user manual.

If you request a technician because you are unsure how to operate the device, you will have to pay for the technician visit yourself.

Brugsanvisninger /Manuals - Electrolux

Opvaskemaskinen / Dishwasher - Electrolux EEA47310L 

The machine does not work

Check that there is power on the machine.

Take the instruction manual.

Check the error code.

If the error code comes up about the water supply, check the water supply and open the water under the kitchen sink

Check that there is power on the machine, if not insert the plug into the socket.

Order a Technician

Be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

The machine does not work

Check that there is power on the machine.

Take the instruction manual.

Check the error code.

If the error code comes up about the water supply, check the water supply and open the water under the kitchen sink

Check that there is power on the machine, if not insert the plug into the socket.

Order a technician

Be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Before you report a fault with your dishwasher

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Before you report a fault with your dishwasher

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

You must use this for the email:

Describe the problem and evt error code

You must use this for the email:

Describe the problem and evt error code

Har du spørgsmål – send kontaktformularen til os.

If you have questions – send us the Contact form.

How to clean the dishwasher

Watch the video here

How to clean the dishwasher

Watch the video here

Watch the video here

How to clean the dishwasher

Watch the video here

Sådan renser du filteret

Watch the video here

How to clean the filter

Watch the video here

Get advice if the machine smells

Watch the video here

Get advice if the machine smells

Watch the video here

Download manual pdf UserManual_Opvaskemaskine

Induktionspladen / Induction hob​ - Electrolux HOI1624S

If the induction hob does not work:

1: Check that you are using an induction pan. A pot for induction has a magnetic iron bottom, so the induction hob is activated when the pot is placed on the hob.

2: Tjek at du ikke har sat børnelås på induktionspladen – Når du tænder for kogepladen, hvis der dukker et L op i displayet. Har du børnesikring på. Fjern det, før du kan bruge kogepladen.

3: Check the power is on.

4: Read the manual what does the error code mean? Maybe you can do something yourself before asking for help.

Before reporting a fault with the induction hob:

Vær venligst opmærksom på: Sendes der en tekniker ud, og besøget ikke er påkrævet, fordi du selv kunne rette fejlen, opkræves du omkostningen over huslejen.

If the induction hob does not work:

1: Check that you are using an induction pan. A pot for induction has a magnetic iron bottom, so the induction hob is activated when the pot is placed on the hob.

2: Check that you have not set the child lock on the induction plate – When you switch on the hob, if an L appears in the display. Then you have child seats on. Remove it before you can use the hob.

3: Check the power is on.

4: Read the manual what does the error code mean? Maybe you can do something yourself before asking for help.

Before reporting a fault with the induction hob:

Please be Aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Har du beskadiget induktionspladen?

If you drop something on the induction plate and it breaks, a new plate must be installed. You bear that expense yourself.

It costs DKK 3.950.

Bestil en ny plade med formularen.

Have you damaged the induction plate?

If you drop something on the induction plate and it breaks, a new plate must be installed. You bear that expense yourself.

It costs DKK 3.950 kr

Order a new plate with the form.

Report an error with the induction hob

Before reporting a fault with the induction hob:

Vær da opmærksom på: Sendes der en tekniker ud, og besøget ikke er påkrævet, fordi du selv kunne rette fejlen, opkræves du omkostningen over huslejen.

Report an error with the induction hob

Before reporting a fault with the induction hob:

Please be Aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Har du spørgsmål omkring Induktionspladen – send en email til os.

If you have questions about the Induction hob – send us an email.

Har du spørgsmål omkring Induktionspladen – send en email til os.

If you have questions about the Induction hob – send us an email.

Har du spørgsmål omkring Induktionspladen – send en email til os.

If you have questions about the Induction hob – send us an email.

Kølefryseskab/ Refrigerator/Freezer -   Electrolux LNS5LE18S

The machine does not work

Check that the power is on

Take the instruction manual

Check the error code

Kan fejlen ikke rettes og virker stadigvæk ikke tjek fejlkoden og anmod om en tekniker. 

Order a technician pr email

Please be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

The machine does not work

Take the instruction manual

Check that the power is on

Check the error code

If the error cannot be corrected and still does not work, check the error code and request a technician.

Order a technician pr email

Please be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Before you report a fault with your refrigerator/freezer

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Before you report a fault with your refrigerator/freezer

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

You must use this for the email:

Describe the problem and evt error code

You must use this for the email:

Describe the problem and evt error code

Har du spørgsmål omkring kølefryseskabet – send en email til os.

If you have questions about the Refrigerator/Freezer- send us an email.

Empty the fridge of food items

Tag hylder og skuffer ud og vask dem. Brug en smule opvaskemiddel eller alternativt lidt universalrengøring – helt miljøvenligt.
Do not wash the parts in a dishwasher, as they may be damaged by machine washing.

Wash the refrigerator thoroughly inside and out.

Remember to also wash and dry the refrigerator’s sealing strips.

A good idea is to spray with water mixed with washing-up liquid so that it gets into cracks and crevices. Let it work for a few minutes. Use possibly a toothbrush for cracks and fissures.

Wipe with a dry microfiber cloth.

Clean the overflow hole at the back and bottom of the refrigerator with a cotton swab or a pipe cleaner.

Clean any also the drip tray on top of the compressor, on the back of the product if possible.

If possible, it is a good idea to vacuum the condenser fins on the back of the refrigerator. It reduces electricity consumption.

The rot / bad smell can be removed by cleaning the inside of the fridge / freezer with a cloth and a special cleaning agent.
You can buy cleaning agents that neutralize odors and clean.


See Guide here




Foods such as lemons, onions and smoked foods can smell and the taste can be transferred to other foods in the refrigerator.

Keep strong-smelling foods away from foods such as milk, eggs and cheese, which easily absorb odors from other foods.

Empty the fridge of food items

Take out the shelves and drawers and wash them. Use a little washing-up liquid or, alternatively, a little universal cleaner – completely environmentally friendly.
Do not wash the parts in a dishwasher, as they may be damaged by machine washing.

Wash the refrigerator thoroughly inside and out.

Remember to also wash and dry the refrigerator’s sealing strips.

A good idea is to spray with water mixed with washing-up liquid so that it gets into cracks and crevices. Let it work for a few minutes. Use possibly a toothbrush for cracks and fissures.

Wipe with a dry microfiber cloth.

Clean the overflow hole at the back and bottom of the refrigerator with a cotton swab or a pipe cleaner.

Clean any also the drip tray on top of the compressor, on the back of the product if possible.

If possible, it is a good idea to vacuum the condenser fins on the back of the refrigerator. It reduces electricity consumption.

The rot / bad smell can be removed by cleaning the inside of the fridge / freezer with a cloth and a special cleaning agent.
You can buy cleaning agents that neutralize odors and clean.


See Guide here  


Foods such as lemons, onions and smoked foods can smell and the taste can be transferred to other foods in the refrigerator.

Keep strong-smelling foods away from foods such as milk, eggs and cheese, which easily absorb odors from other foods.

Empty the fridge of food items

Tag hylder og skuffer ud og vask dem. Brug en smule opvaskemiddel eller alternativt lidt universalrengøring – helt miljøvenligt.
Do not wash the parts in a dishwasher, as they may be damaged by machine washing.

Wash the refrigerator thoroughly inside and out.

Remember to also wash and dry the refrigerator’s sealing strips.

A good idea is to spray with water mixed with washing-up liquid so that it gets into cracks and crevices. Let it work for a few minutes. Use possibly a toothbrush for cracks and fissures.

Wipe with a dry microfiber cloth.

Clean the overflow hole at the back and bottom of the refrigerator with a cotton swab or a pipe cleaner.

Clean any also the drip tray on top of the compressor, on the back of the product if possible.

If possible, it is a good idea to vacuum the condenser fins on the back of the refrigerator. It reduces electricity consumption.

The rot / bad smell can be removed by cleaning the inside of the fridge / freezer with a cloth and a special cleaning agent.
You can buy cleaning agents that neutralize odors and clean.


See Guide here




Foods such as lemons, onions and smoked foods can smell and the taste can be transferred to other foods in the refrigerator.

Keep strong-smelling foods away from foods such as milk, eggs and cheese, which easily absorb odors from other foods.

Empty the fridge of food items

Take out the shelves and drawers and wash them. Use a little washing-up liquid or, alternatively, a little universal cleaner – completely environmentally friendly.
Do not wash the parts in a dishwasher, as they may be damaged by machine washing.

Wash the refrigerator thoroughly inside and out.

Remember to also wash and dry the refrigerator’s sealing strips.

A good idea is to spray with water mixed with washing-up liquid so that it gets into cracks and crevices. Let it work for a few minutes. Use possibly a toothbrush for cracks and fissures.

Wipe with a dry microfiber cloth.

Clean the overflow hole at the back and bottom of the refrigerator with a cotton swab or a pipe cleaner.

Clean any also the drip tray on top of the compressor, on the back of the product if possible.

If possible, it is a good idea to vacuum the condenser fins on the back of the refrigerator. It reduces electricity consumption.

The rot / bad smell can be removed by cleaning the inside of the fridge / freezer with a cloth and a special cleaning agent.
You can buy cleaning agents that neutralize odors and clean.


See Guide here  


Foods such as lemons, onions and smoked foods can smell and the taste can be transferred to other foods in the refrigerator.

Keep strong-smelling foods away from foods such as milk, eggs and cheese, which easily absorb odors from other foods.

Ovn/Oven - Electrolux COB100W

The machine does not work

Check that the power is on

Take the instruction manual

Check the error code

Kan fejlen ikke rettes og virker stadigvæk ikke tjek fejlkoden og anmod om en tekniker. 

Order a technician pr email

Please be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

The machine does not work

Take the instruction manual

Check that the power is on

Check the error code

If the error cannot be corrected and still does not work, check the error code and request a technician.

Order a technician pr email

Please be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Inden du fejlmelder din ovn

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Before you report a fault with your oven

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

You must use this for the email:

Describe the problem and evt error code

You must use this for the email:

Describe the problem and evt error code.

Har du spørgsmål omkring ovnen – send en email til os.

If you have questions about the oven – send us an email.

How to clean the Electrolux oven manually.

See Guide 

Watch video

How to clean the Electrolux oven manually.

See Guide

Watch video

How to clean the Electrolux oven manually.

See Guide 

Watch video

How to clean the Electrolux oven manually.

See Guide

Watch video

Emhætte / Hood

The machine does not work

Check that the power is on

Take the instruction manual

Check the error code

Kan fejlen ikke rettes og virker stadigvæk ikke tjek fejlkoden og anmod om en tekniker. 

Order a technician pr email

Please be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

The machine does not work

Check that the power is on

Take the instruction manual

Check the error code

If the error cannot be corrected and still does not work, check the error code and request a technician.

Order a technician pr email

Please be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Inden du fejlmelder din emhætte

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Before you report a fault with your hood

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Har du spørgsmål – send kontaktformularen til os.

If you have questions – send us the Contact form.

Clean the hood filter

When the filter in the hood becomes dirty, you can see it becoming sticky or discolored, then it must be cleaned.

Du kan se hvordan på videoen here eller nedenfor:

Remove the filter by pressing the buttons located by the 2 “handles” at one end of the filter.

Put the filters in the dishwasher and wash it.

Put the filters back on – first put the filter in place by putting it up in the hood at the opposite end of the button.

Put the filters back on – first put the filter in place by putting it up in the hood at the opposite end of the button.

Clean the hood filter

When the filter in the hood becomes dirty, you can see it becoming sticky or discolored, then it must be cleaned.

You can see how in the video here or below:

Remove the filter by pressing the buttons located by the 2 “handles” at one end of the filter.

Put the filters in the dishwasher and wash it.

Put the filters back on – first put the filter in place by putting it up in the hood at the opposite end of the button.

Hold the button down, push the filter into place in the hood.

Vaskemaskine / Washing machine

The machine does not work

Check that the power is on 

Take the instruction manual

Check the error code

Kan fejlen ikke rettes og virker stadigvæk ikke tjek fejlkoden og anmod om en tekniker. 

Order a technician pr email

Please be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

The machine does not work

Check that the power is on

Take the instruction manual

Check the error code

If the error cannot be corrected and still does not work, check the error code and request a technician.

Order a technician pr. email

Please be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Before you report a fault with your dishwasher

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Before you report a fault with your dishwasher

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

You must use this for the email:

E-nr, FD-nr og Z-nr på maskinen – Dette står på datamærket, når lågen åbnes.

As well as a description of the problem and error code.

You must use this for the email:

E-No., FD-No. and Z-No. for the machine – This is written on the data label in the open door.

As well as a description of the problem and error code.

Tørretumbler / Dryer

The machine does not work

Check that the power is on

Take the instruction manual

Check the error code

Kan fejlen ikke rettes og virker stadigvæk ikke tjek fejlkoden og anmod om en tekniker. 

Order a technician pr email

Please be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

The machine does not work

Check that the power is on

Take the instruction manual

Check the error code

If the error cannot be corrected and still does not work, check the error code and request a technician.

Order a technician pr email

Please be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Before you report a fault with your dryer

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Before you report a fault with your dryer

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

You must use this for the email:

E-nr, FD-nr og Z-nr på maskinen – Dette står på datamærket, når lågen åbnes.

As well as a description of the problem and error code.

You must use this for the email:

E-No., FD-No. and Z-No. for the machine – This is written on the data label in the open door.

As well as a description of the problem and error code.

Before you report a fault with your dryer

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Before you report a fault with your dryer

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

You must use this for the email:

E-nr, FD-nr og Z-nr på maskinen – Dette står på datamærket, når lågen åbnes.

As well as a description of the problem and error code.

You must use this for the email:

E-No., FD-No. and Z-No. for the machine – This is written on the data label in the open door.

As well as a description of the problem and error code.



Virker elevatoren ikke ring på Telefon til Elcon, Elevatorservice Tel:72667000

If the elevator does not work, please call Elcon, Elevator service Tel:72667000

Manglende vandtryk i vandhanen/ Lack of water pressure in the tap

Descaling faucet

If a proper jet of water does not come out of your faucet, the aerator needs to be descaled.

Se på videoen here eller læs nedenfor, hvordan du gør.

Here’s how you do it:

Wrap a soft cloth around the aerator so that it is not damaged, loosen it with pliers by turning clockwise.

When it is loose, you can unscrew it with your fingers.

Rinse it

Put it in a glass of vinegar water overnight to loosen the limescale.

Rinse the aerator

Put it on the faucet – screw it in by turning it counter-clockwise, turn it an extra time so it’s really tight.

Turn on the water and test that the water jet has become normal.

Descaling faucet

If a proper jet of water does not come out of your faucet, the aerator needs to be descaled.

Watch the video here or read below how to do it.

Here’s how you do it:

Wrap a soft cloth around the aerator so that it is not damaged, loosen it with pliers by turning clockwise.

When it is loose, you can unscrew it with your fingers.

Rinse it

Put it in a glass of vinegar water overnight to loosen the limescale.

Rinse the aerator

Put it on the faucet – screw it in by turning it counter-clockwise, turn it an extra time so it’s really tight.

 Turn on the water and test that the water jet has become normal.

Har du spørgmål omkring vandhanen – send en email til os.

If you have questions about the tap – send us an email.

Stoppet køkkenvask / Stopped kitchen sink

Rens vandlåsen

If your kitchen sink has stopped, you must clean the water trap, which sits under the kitchen sink in the kitchen cupboard.

Du kan se videoen here, eller se nedenfor, hvordan man gør.

Here’s how you do it:

Place a bucket under the water trap.

Loosen the water trap by unscrewing the 2 plastic cuffs.

Please note that the black rubber gasket must NOT be removed from the pipe, it must remain in place.

Pour the water into the bucket so that the pipe is empty – clean the pipe by running a cloth through the pipe.

Screw the tube on by screwing the 2 cuffs back on.

Leave the bucket standing – turn on the water and test that you have scrubbed the water trap properly again.

Clean the watertrap

If your kitchen sink has stopped, you must clean the water trap, which sits under the kitchen sink in the kitchen cupboard.

Find a video guide here

Here’s how you do it:

Place a bucket under the water trap.

Loosen the water trap by unscrewing the 2 plastic cuffs.

Please note that the black rubber gasket must NOT be removed from the pipe, it must remain in place.

Pour the water into the bucket so that the pipe is empty – clean the pipe by running a cloth through the pipe.

Screw the tube on by screwing the 2 cuffs back on.

Leave the bucket standing – turn on the water and test that you have scrubbed the water trap properly again.


Har du spørgsmål omkring køkkenvasken – send en email til os.

If you have questions about the kitchen sink – send us an email.

Afløb bad

Rens Unidrain

If the drain is blocked in the bath, you must clean the unidrain yourself.

Løft stålristen og plast vandlås kan løftes i stålbøjlen. Vandlåsen renses med vand, fjerne sæberester og hår.

Sættes på plads.


Clean Unidrain

If the drain is blocked in the bath, you must clean the unidrain yourself.

Lift the steel grate and the plastic water trap can be lifted in the steel bracket. The water trap is cleaned with water, removing soap residue and hair.

Set in place.


RCD Relay

Tjek på gruppetavlen – at alle grupperne er tændt. De skal alle pege opad. 

If there is no power in all circuits, this could be the reason why the appliances are not working.

Switch the circuit back on.

If the circuit keeps tripping, contact an electrician.

Book an electrician here

Venligst vær opmærksom , at sendes der en tekniker ud, og besøget ikke er påkrævet, fordi du selv kunne rette fejlen, opkræves du omkostningen over huslejen.

RCD Relay

Check on the group board – that all the groups are switched on. They must all point upwards.

If there is no power on all groups, this may be the reason why the appliances are not working.

Turn the group back on.

If the group continues to switch off, order an electrician.

Book an electrician

Please be aware that a technician is sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the fault yourself, you will be charged the cost above the rent.

Inden du bestiller en elektriker

Vær venligst opmærksom på: Har du selv lavet fejlen ved tilslutning af strøm, opkræves du omkostningen ved en elektriker over huslejen.

Before you order an electrician

Please be aware: If you have made the mistake of connecting the electricity yourself, you will be charged the cost of an electrician on top of the rent.

Nøglebrik / Key Fobs

Key fob dosen’t work

Kan jeg ikke komme ind i jeres lejlighed med nøglebrikkerne, bedes I følge nedenstående:

1. Tag alle 3 nøglebrikker, opdater dem på dørtelefonen ved opgangsdøren enkeltvis – de skal holdes på dørtelefonen til et lille grønt lys kommer frem.

If the key fob still does not work 

Kontakt vores akuttelefon på 4733 4004 – SKAL kun anvendes, såfremt brikken ikke virker til lejligheden og altså ikke hvis den ikke virker til opgangen og postkassen.

Key fob dosen’t work

If you can’t enter your apartment with the key fobs, please follow the steps below:

1. Take all 3 key fobs, update them on the doorphone at the entrance door – individually – they must be held on the doorphone until a small green light appears.

2. If the key fob still does not work:

Contact our emergency phone on 4733 4004 – MUST only be used if the chip does not work for the apartment and therefore not if it does not work for the entrance hall and mailbox.

Virker nøglebrikkerne ikke til postkassen.

Send en mail – brug kontaktformularen

Key fobs

If the key fobs do not work for the mailbox.

Send an email – use the contact form

A key fob costs DKK 500. 

We will send the key fob to you by post, once you have received it, it must be activated on the intercom on the front door.

The cost is deducted from the rent.

Key Fob

A key fob costs DKK 500.

We will send the key fob to you by post, once you have received it, it must be activated on the intercom on the front door.

The cost is deducted from the rent.

Har du spørgmål omkring nøglebrikkerne – send en email til os.

If you have questions about the key fobs – send us an email.

Storage Room

Der kommer skilte med adresseangivelser på depotrummene start januar.

Såfremt der ved en fejl er blevet taget et andet depotrum end det I er blevet tildelt, bliver I kontaktet. 

There will be signs with address details at the storage rooms starting in January.

If a storage room other than the one you have been allocated has been taken by mistake, you will be contacted.


Bestilling af P-plads

En parkeringsplads i p-kælder koster 300 kr. 

An above-ground parking space costs DKK 100. 

Parkeringsplads skal bestilles via os.

Når du har købt en af ovenstående parkeringspladser, kan du frit vælge, hvor du vil holde på område du har købt. 

Ordering a parking lot

A parking space in the parking garage costs DKK 300.

An above-ground parking space costs DKK 100.

Parking spaces must be booked through us.

When you have purchased one of the above parking spaces, you can freely choose where you want to park in the area you have purchased.


Teknikdøren – sådan åbnes den

 Tag håndtaget til teknikdøren

Drej med uret og døren åbnes

Den lukkes ved at dreje nøglen imod uret.

Se video guide here

How to open your technichan door

Take the handle to the technichan door

Turn clockwise and the door will open

It is closed by turning the key counter-clockwise

Find a video guide here

Ventilationsanlæg / Ventilation system

Rens emhætte filter

Filteret skal renses hver 1/2 år.

Der skal nye filtre i anlægget 1 gang om året. Disse fremsendes af Bloch, I sørger selv for at udskifte dem.

Du kan se videoen here eller du kan læse nedenfor, hvordan du gør.

Here’s how you do it:

Note that you need to hold onto the door as it is not attached to the system.

Loosen the two hinges at the top of the unit.

Pull out the 2 filters.

Brush them off with your hand or a soft brush.

Place the filter back into the unit.

Close the unit and reattach the hinges.

Clean the filter

The filter must be cleaned every 3rd month.

The system needs new filters once a year. These are sent by Bloch, you replace them yourself.

You can watch the video here or you can read below how to do it.

Here’s how you do it:

The system needs new filters once a year.

Be aware that you must hold the door, as it is not fixed to the system.

Loosen the two hinges on the top of the unit.

Pull out the 2 filters.

Brush them off by hand or a soft brush.

Put the filters back in place in the system.

Close the system and put the hinges back on. 

Har du spørgsmål omkring ventilationsanlægget – send en email til os.

If you have questions about the Ventilation system – send us an email.

Beboervejledning Englunden

Hent og se hvordan du vedligeholder gulve etc gældende for Englunden here

House Rules

Hent og se husorden gældende for Englunden here

Spørgsmål og generelle henvendelser / Questions and general inquiry


Har du andre spørgsmål eller en generel henvendelse, som du ikke får besvaret her på siden, er du velkommen til at kontakte os via formularen.


If you have other questions or a general inquiry that cannot be answered on this page, you are welcome to contact us via the form.


Udfyld formularen for hjælp til hårde hvidevarer. Din besked vil blive sendt direkte til Electrolux.

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